{Engagement} Timothy + Iuliana: Dayton, Ohio Portrait & Wedding Photography

I did my brother and soon-to-be sis-in-law's engagement session last fall, but never got around to blogging it(bad sister I am lol). Better late then never, right??! Anyway, it's a pretty sweet story of how God brought them together...here read for yourself. ;)

A little background on our relationship with Iuliana and on how we met her: We met her when she was 4 years old. Her family attended our church when they adpoted her. YES, she's adopted from Romania (how cool is that?!)!!! Iuliana and I were around the same age so we instantly became best friends as soon as her family brought her to church. We were best friends the entire time they came to our church, but her family decided to attend a different church (Iuli was about 11). After that we didn't really have much contact(even tho we missed each other a lot). At the time Iuliana only really knew Timothy as my older brother and Timothy only knew Iuliana as my good friend. So that was that. We didn't really see each other much.

Well about 6 years later on a Friday evening we were invited to a volleyball event. Our family is big into volleyball so we all went. We saw a lot of old friends including Iuliana and her family. (FYI: This is the same volleyball event that I met my husband and my best friend, Eastlyn). We ended up coming back the next Friday also and the following week. It was becoming a every-Friday event. We all loved it!






Well shortly after we started coming to Friday-night-volleyball we went to a friends orchestra recital, Iuliana and her family so happened to be there too. That night was when I really noticed something, something between Timothy and Iuliana. Timothy couldn't take his eyes off of her. I had never seen Timothy look at a girl like he looked at Iuliana. I remember walking over and seeing the two of them sheepishly making conversion together. They were talking the entire evening. They didn't leave each other's side. Keep in mind neither of them are conversationalists. I knew something was up!!!! As the weeks went on we saw Iuliana almost every week. Timothy and Iuliana talked every chance they got. By now we ALL knew they were "interested" in being more then "just friends". Timothy wanted this girl, he wanted her attention. He wanted to spend every moment he could being with her and talking to her, same with Iuliana. I could tell she was head over heels for my brother. Since Iuliana and I had been good friends in the past and were quickly catching up with our friendship like before so I was thrilled about them being a couple. I would've never imagined, when we were little kids, that they would eventually be together, but God knew. He had it all planned out.



After a year or so Timothy and Iuliana started courting-- meanwhile Reed and I were courting. Since Reed was like Timothy's best friend and Iuliana was one of my oldest friends the four of us became inseperable. We went on a ton of double dates, and spent most Friday nights together. We were like family already. Iuliana was like my sister and they weren't even engaged yet. We talked about getting married in the same month, going on vacations together, we even tossed around the idea of going on a honeymoon together, I know pretty close huh?

Well about a year or so into the future Timothy and Iuliana got engaged. Yep, he bought her a stunning ring and got down on one knee on her front porch (where most of the best conversations happened between the two of them) and asked for not only her hand, but most important her heart. Iuliana called me as soon as he proposed and told me the exciting news, even though I already knew he was going to propose that evening I was still SO excited. It was official! There was so much joy in her voice as she told me. We were all SO happy for them. They both glowed when the came over and showed off the ring.

Wedding planning quickly started. They needed to pick A DATE. Believe it or not that's harder then you think. I had already booked a lot of weddings for the next year so a lot of dates were taken already. They had to work around my schedule (sorry to be a pain lol). They finally found the perfect date. Septemeber 22nd, 2012, which so happens to be 9 days away. (Wooohooo)!






Timothy is a year and half years older then me so we were pretty close growing up. We'd play cars together in the mulch in the front yard. Race around the cultisack on our bikes. Play "woof woof" around the house with the neighbor kids. Hide in the tree fort and knock the latter down so the little kids couldn't get up. He was my friend, even though I'd never would've admit it at age 13 lol. As we got older we got even closer, especially as we started courting our "significant others". Seems like we were all always together (still are).

Timothy moved in with Reed and I back in June and it's been SO wonderful having him here. I love having him here! Makes me sad that he will be moving out after the wedding. I'll miss seeing him everyday, but I know Timothy is the happiest when he is with his Iuliana. She completes him! She makes him smile like NO one ever could, so I know he is in good hands--I couldn't have picked a better person for Timothy. Iuliana is one of those girls that are so rare to find. She's gorgeous, and everyone knows it, but her. She's always been a good girl. Always did what was right. She's got a contagious smile and laugh. OMGSH, you HAVE to hear her laugh--it's the bomb ;) lol. Anyway, she's an amazing girl and I'm so happy I get to have her as my sister in 9 DAYS.



















I love you both and I couldn't be happeier for you guys. <3

[{Personal/Engagementt} Josh + Eastlyn: Dayton, Ohio Portrait & Wedding Photographer

I remember the first time I met Eastlyn, her and her family came over, along with some other friends, so the Moms could talk about "homeschooling". We spent the day together, had lunch and hung out on the swing sets in the backyard (yep, we were cool like that, and very young lol). At the time Eastlyn and I didn't really hit it off-- we didn't really "click". The day came to an end and the Moms said good-bye, us girls said good-bye, and that was that. We really didn't see or talk to them much for the next couple years, not because we didn't want too our paths of life were just different. It wasn't until about 4 years when we were invited to a "homeschool" volleyball event (I really do have a lot of gratitude toward homeschooling lol). So we went, and we saw many familiar faces. People we knew, but didn't REALLY know. I saw Eastlyn, she saw me. We said "Hi"..and that was about it. We hadn't seen each other in 4 years, and we were just kids back then. There was still no click between us. We starting coming more and more to the volleyball events that were held on Friday nights. It wasn't until the 4 or 5 week of us coming that something clicked between us. I remember Eastlyn and her sister, Michaela came up to me after volleyball and just started talking to me. I'm not sure what it was about our conversation, but we just realllllyy hit it off well. THat conversation is really what started our {awesome} friendship. As our lives had bumps and curves we were always there for each other. You know how the teen years go, that's when you really need a best friend the most. She helped me with SO much. She talked me through SO much! We've pretty much talked everyday after that. Whether it be email, text, you name it. We had built such a strong friendship. (She also had a HUGE part in setting me up with Reed, my husband.)

I know you are anxious to hear how Eastlyn + Josh began as a couple...well just wait, it's coming.

Even though we were awesome friends it wasn't until her graduation party that I learned who she was head of heels for. Her party was coming to an end and we were sitting by the fire, just her and I. I finally just asked her who she liked (she was very secretive about it). She was hesitant to tell me at first, but she told me. She was in love with Josh Tolle. The boy she had/has known since she was 10 years old. NO one else knew! She was so giddy and happy when she told me. She hadn't shared it with anyone else and I know she felt awesome to be able to share that with someone, and I'm so happy it was me. ;)

Like I said, she has known Josh since she was 10 years old. It wasn't love at first sight, but it was a growing love from year to year. They were friends first (SO important).

What Eastlyn didn't know was that Josh too, had the same feelings toward her, if not stronger, but there was one problem-- they were both very shy and reserved toward each other. I watched them flirt in their "shy" manor and pass little hints toward each other of their feelings, but the timing wasn't right. Josh didn't make any moves toward a "relationship" with her. God still had work to do in their hearts to prepare them. It left Eastlyn guessing of his feelings (you know how us girls are). They both went with a big group on a mission trip to Mexico. Eastlyn sent me letters telling me about everything that was happening. She thought for sure he liked her, but when they came back things just went back to normal. She was confused!!! I was confused lol. As her best friend I didn't really know what to tell her. What we didn't know was God still wasn't finished with preparing Josh and Eastlyn's heart for each other. Patients is really the only thing I could tell her and that God would work it out. Sometime passed and I could tell Josh was opening up a lot more with Eastlyn. They were talking more, things just seemed SO right. IT WAS FINALLY TIME. Their hearts were ready. Josh asked her Dad if he could court Eastlyn. He was more then overjoyed. I remember very clearly Eastlyn calling me on the phone telling me that Josh had asked if he could court her. This was the happiest I've ever seen. Her voice was full of not only happiness, but joy.

They were both full of joy. Seeing them together for the first time was so perfect.





He was finally able to be with the one his heart loved.



They quickly became best friends.



It was easy to see that this love was becoming more and more serious with each day, with each phone call, with each sweet text message, with every sunset...



They are truly a match made in Heaven. They have so many character traits that compliment each other. It's hard to explain it. It was just RIGHT!


When you know you just know. That's how it was with Josh + Eastlyn. Within a few months of courting they knew they were mean't to be together forever. Everyone around them knew it too. Josh went out and found the perfect ring for Eastlyn, after asking her Dad if he could have Eastlyn's heart by marrying her. Her Dad gave approval without hesitation. He asked Eastlyn if she would marry him and make him the happiest man in the world. Her dreams were coming true. She said "YES"!!!











Josh proposed to Eastlyn while Reed and I were still on our honeymoon. As soon as we pulled into port my phone went off and I found a picture from Eastlyn and it was a picture of a ring with a text saying Josh proposed to her. I WAS ESTATIC! I was little mad at Josh for doing it while I wasn't even in the country though lol. Reed and I couldn't have been happier. Their wedding planning began immediately.





















They picked a date!!!!!!!! The date to start life as "One" would be Septemeber 1st, 2012. I still can't believe it! It seems like yesterday when we met at my house as little girls. In just 10 days you'll be getting married to your Josh.
















I'm so honored you asked me to be a bridesmaid and stand by your side when you say "I do" and become Mrs.Tolle. I can't tell you how excited and happy I am :)


10 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you Eastlyn.